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  • Best Schools In Salempur
  • Best Schools In Salempur
    R. L. Academy Secondary School
  • Best Schools In Salempur
    R. L. Academy Secondary School
  • Salempur Best School
    Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi Affilation No. - 2133331
  • Salempur Best School
  • Salempur Best School
  • Salempur Best School
  • Salempur Best School
  • Salempur Best School

Welcome To R.L. Academy Senior Secondary School

Rising from humble beginnings in 2000, R.L. Academy society was founded with the sole intention of imparting services to the society with the hope of structuring 'A Better Tomorrow'. With a dream to prove our future generations a broad and stimulating educational experience of the highest quality. Today the R. L. Academy society has reached almost all corners of India. With almost 20 years of legacy and experience behind it, the R. L. Academy society has continued to Salempur, Deoria and impart highest levels of academicand moral excellence to its students. All the members of our non- profit and non-proprietary establishments believe that school life should be valued for itself with inspirational and rewarding experiences which will lead them to a successful adulthood. In today's transcending times, education is the essential and highly challenging time for students. Guided by esteemed members and a group of talented as well as dedicated teachers who are constantly innovating, The R. L. Academy society works towards preparing its students to achieve very high standards in both the formal curriculum and in many extra-curricular activities. We hope that their involvement in and enjoyment of work and play will help them to become enterprising young people ready to make their contribution in the years ahead.

Vision & Mission

We at R.L. Academy Salempur, Deoria, focus our dedication towards evoking a passion for learning and developing the requisite set of attitudes, skills and knowledge that enable our learners to maximize their potentlal towards becoming positive, responsible and well Informed participants in our democratic and rapidly progressing global community. It is with this ambition that we work towards developing an environment which fosters social accountability, national pride and a curiosity which triggers the mood for self- learning through self-initiation.

  • From The Director's Desk

    Sandeep Kumar Srivastava


    In keeping with the school's policy of the continuous upgradation of knowledge and skills, the school provides skilled and devoted faculties. We never stay at the same age. Our thinking never be the same always and time never remains constant and our life is designed for a permanent change until we reach our destination. All we need is to remain ever constant in being faithful being diligent and determined to be our best.

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  • From The Principal's Desk

    Sanjay Panday


    “If we nurture the dreams of children, the world will be blessed. If we destroy them, the world will be doomed"- Dr. Wess Stafford.”

    Every child in an extremely impressionable human being begging to understand why they exist. Since each child is unique therefore each child learns to little differently from the next, has different interests and will learn at a different pace. Children learn best when they feel secure and well-nourished. We at R. L. Academy Secondary School..

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